Category: Motivation

Never regret

You must learn to accept what life brings you. Karma says it all.  You can have a good experiences in life as well as bad, but never regret the good one and learn from the bad. It will help you make right or wrong decision. I will regret bad choices I have made that have caused hurt …

Have faith that things will work out

Sometimes you just have to believe that everything happens for a reason even though right now you don’t know what that reason is. Plans can change! we have the ability to change our mind and feelings if we truly want too. ~ Greg Martinez Life would be much simpler if everyone can accept whatever outcome in everything they do. ~ KweeLing …

The strongest people cry themselves

Sadness comes in the night, but joy comes in the morning. ~ Kevin Shaw Experience helps you get through the next thing much easier and makes you strong. ~ Valerie Mcgill There is nothing wrong in crying. There is a big difference between a person who feel sorry for oneself, cry all the time, feeling negative most of …