Category: Motivation
Life doesn’t always give people second chances. Tell people you love them while you can, you never know when it’s too late. Sometimes doing it tomorrow never happens. Tomorrow turns into days, then days into months, months into years. Just do it or try. ~ Joanne Finn You can’t measure ” time “, it’s is just an …
You must learn to accept what life brings you. Karma says it all. You can have a good experiences in life as well as bad, but never regret the good one and learn from the bad. It will help you make right or wrong decision. I will regret bad choices I have made that have caused hurt …
Sometimes you just have to believe that everything happens for a reason even though right now you don’t know what that reason is. Plans can change! we have the ability to change our mind and feelings if we truly want too. ~ Greg Martinez Life would be much simpler if everyone can accept whatever outcome in everything they do. ~ KweeLing …
Sadness comes in the night, but joy comes in the morning. ~ Kevin Shaw Experience helps you get through the next thing much easier and makes you strong. ~ Valerie Mcgill There is nothing wrong in crying. There is a big difference between a person who feel sorry for oneself, cry all the time, feeling negative most of …
Those who gossip to you will smile, make gestures & gently touch your hands. Avoid eye contact as much as possible. They will be in seventh, heaven, dolloping all their dull existing boring life. For sure they will walk away, unhappy, why? Because they feel they didn’t tell you enough or you didn’t listen enough. So …
We have all done things at sometime in our life that we may not have choose the right way but we learn from our mistakes and do better the next time. ~ Suzanne Talijan Do whatever you want, even if not good choice, it will teach you something, you will learn a good lesson. Life is good …