Category: Motivation

Have a pretty mind, heart & beautiful soul

A pretty face may get you through a door. But good character keeps you there. When someone has a beautiful attitude, heart and soul. She is seen as a beauty by many. A beautiful woman who has all the good, heart and soul top it with pretty face and her beauty will never fade even when …

People who lift you higher by staying with them

If people don’t want to lift themselves, just leave them alone.  I definitely have people in my life that I love and they may never lift me higher. That’s why they have me in their life. Nothing wrong with being the lifter, as long as it’s not dragging you down too. ~ Laurel West  Surrounding yourself with …

Words are like arrows

Control your temper & more importantly control your mouth. A tongue may not have a bone but its very hurtful. Words are like arrows; once you let them loose, they do not return. You have no second chances with undoing your words. Words are double-edged swords; ‘handle with care’ If we are in the bad mood, better …