Category: Motivation
If people don’t want to lift themselves, just leave them alone. I definitely have people in my life that I love and they may never lift me higher. That’s why they have me in their life. Nothing wrong with being the lifter, as long as it’s not dragging you down too. ~ Laurel West Surrounding yourself with …
Control your temper & more importantly control your mouth. A tongue may not have a bone but its very hurtful. Words are like arrows; once you let them loose, they do not return. You have no second chances with undoing your words. Words are double-edged swords; ‘handle with care’ If we are in the bad mood, better …
Chin up and face the world. With head down you can’t face your destiny. So keep it up! Even if you’re head is hanging low, don’t give up. We all feel like that at one time or another. When you get into a tight place, everything goes against you. There comes a time when you just …
Freedom is being and doing you without the approval of others. Be who you were really made to be. We tend to believe what we tell ourselves. Movement through dancing is true freedom. Giving yourself permission to dance is giving yourself freedom. Don’t let other people tell you what you should be but be who you …
You build a wall and the good can’t come through. Put up a negative shield that the bad stuff bounces off and the good comes though. At least that’s what I try to do. ~ Kathie Williams This is how, throughout my long life, built fortress walls around my emotions that, while they’ve protected me throughout the …
Live for today never what’s up tomorrow. You have to be in the present to get the present. Don’t have time machine to take us back to yesterday, so that is dead and gone and tomorrow still uncertain so live for today your fullest. Enjoy while we are alive as long as we do not impose our …