Category: Motivation
Don’t let anyone steal your joy. Take control of your life! Make a choice on how you’re going to live with it. People that try to rob another’s joy through jealousy, bitterness or anger are to busy counting someone else’s blessings and not looking at there own. ~ Stuart Hall If you let people decide how you feel, …
Tears are said to be Pearls in Heaven. Crying is rain for the soul, it serves its purpose. Crying is healing. Crying shows that you are wonderful and feeling, both in happy and in sad times it’s a depth of emotion, telling the world something about you. Crying releases stress and negativity and refreshes our soul.
The best part about doors is you can let people in through them or show people out through them (and lock it behind them, if necessary) ~ Dan Iradi Fear can paralyze and keep us from doing what God has in store for us. When in doubt I look up for strength and hope. I also have …
The power of thought and the universe coming together as one. Without prayer we have nothing. with prayer we have faith & love Prayer is Power. It strengthens our relationship with our Creator. Soothes our nerves and calming effect. Makes our life happier. ~ Lea Acabal You just have to wait and allow God to open the …
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, so that only leaves today and the present moment. Today is the gift that we have been given. Live it fully, live it joyfully and live it for everyone you love. Yesterday is history, and from history we learn, tomorrow is a mystery, and for mysterious things we prepare, …
We are always growing, changing and evolving to become a better person. With the support from good friends and family we become stronger. ~ Elizabeth Vargas I may learn the hard way, but I do learn. My past does not define me. Everyday is a new day. ~ Victoria Abrego Thank God, without him, I would have not …