Category: Motivation

So you have an opinion about my Life

Live a simple life and don’t care what any one think about it. Be kind, share peace and love. Sticking your nose on someone else’s business means you’ve nothing better to do with your life. People have all kinds of opinions and some of them never pay any bills, even their own. They can’t manage their …

A clear rejection is always better

It hurts for a shorter time than being lied to and eventually finding out. ~ Paula Lundquist Don’t say promises that you cant keep and do. Just letting the other person hold on something that can’t be done and that’s totally unfair. Being true even if it will hurt the one you love is more acceptable, being …

The Truth always comes out in the end

Silence is Golden. Say this all the time just sit back & watch. Eventually they hang themselves. Watch every words that comes from your mouth. It’s a lifetime reflection of who you are. One must learn to bridle his or her tongue. Like what an old saying goes – Loose lips sink ship. Whatever anger’s you …