Category: Motivation

When the wrong people leave your life

When you start doing the right thing, wrong people start to leave you. Don’t be sad by another one that treat you badly, let it go and enjoy your life. The wrong people leave your life but the rest is up to you. You have to make the difference and not attract nasty things happening by …

Sometimes you need to be alone in life

Sometimes it’s better to be alone, No one can hurt you that way. It’s not always easy to be alone, but there is comfort and peace when you are still, quiet and take time to discover who you are and what you can do. ~ Ken Lowe  The ability to like your self comes from the ability …

Those people that are not adding to your growth

At some point if you are hurting and the person is not receptive but only increasingly more bad for your life then it is time to walk away and devote your time to those who either contribute to your life positively or accept your positive contributions into their life. It takes wisdom to decide when to …

Don’t think about what might go wrong

Positivity always, keep negative out of your life. Be a witness, not a judge. Focus on yourself, not on others. Listen to your heart, not to the crowd. We have this unconscious tendency to stir towards what we are looking at. If you focus on what could go wrong, you most likely will find it. On …