Category: Motivation
These are things we all need and sometimes just talking to someone we don’t know can re-energize the ones that are lacking. What a wonderful way to be able to help someone figure out something they can’t. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone on the other side of that line, not judging, not charging, not …
Just make sure you mean it before you say it! I like “I am here with you”. No expectations. Just someone there. All, no matter how short the call, visit. Whatever they offer, are adding a little pebble to the dark pit. Hopefully, eventually those pebbles will add up to the foundation that allows you to …
I can’t go to my destination without my path or road and alone, whether you are walking or not, it’s important that you always have hope that at the end of it, God is always with you because He only knows the right direction of our path. ~ Mariann Espadilla A friend of mine once said that …
Trust of intuition varies into confidence to posses as beauty would never fade but beauty itself aged as it fade, fade as it aged. The beauty within that gives light and hope to others, by sharing, giving and loving that is true beauty of the soul. One can have the best looks and hot body but …
My dream is to leave this earth and wake up one day in heaven. I can’t have any greater dream than that. Earth to me is just a waiting station.. My ultimate destination is heaven with my Creator God and his son Jesus Christ. ~ Georganna Sorba
When you think it’s the end, new doors and windows are opened when you least expect.