Category: Motivation

What you’re looking for in your life

No point looking around! It will come naturally when your not aware. Have no expectations and it will come. Have faith; believe in God. Miracle does happens when you’re least unexpecting. ~ Ed Chin  The flip side is if you are looking for someone, the perfect mate, you will settle too quickly. It causes people to find the …

The best way to learn patience in life

Patience is a gift from God. Be patient and trust in Him! When it is supposed to and life lessons will be repeated until learned. Just wait! Never step on other person’s foot in order to be on top. Be patient! Everything will come smoothly. ~ Chantal Greene  The best way to learn patience is to just …

When you stop making excuses

Maturity is learning to forgive. Lend a helping hand & also try to understand peoples’ need. It also comes when we accept responsibility for our action. stop blaming others for the outcome in our lives and make the necessary changes to fix things. ~ Dorothy Beek  Maturity comes when you stop listening to ignorant people and make …

If God shuts a door, quit banging on it

It’s for a good reason. Better things will come to your life, so don’t worry about it just let it go. God did close the door for me and I thank him. He showed me my ex-best friend true colors and our friendship ended last year and I still get thoughts in my head. It was a …