Category: Mistake
We all live and learn from our mistakes, but if you keep doing them over and over you never move forward in life or in relationships. ~ Angie Denney We have to try to fix up our mistakes. Little steps at a time. One day at a time. ~ Gloria Cantu If we forget our mistakes and how we got there …
Human selfish tendency, blame something or someone is easier than admitting that is a product of consequences from choices made. Do not make excuses or rationalize just forgive and let go, easy to say but hard to do I admit. ~ Norma Powell I’m so grateful that I learned long ago to take responsibility for my …
Mistakes are just lessons but if the same ones are made over and over again, maybe one is not studying hard enough. ~ Denise Hecht Start with looking at your mistakes as opportunities to learn from. ~ Ria Hooghiemstra A wise man learns from mistakes but a fool get stuck to it and commits one after …
We need to accept all that happens has a purpose in our lives, good and bad. Anything that happens in our lives is always for a purpose. If you take it positively, you’ll benefit from it, but if you take the vice versa, it’ll break you. No matter what happens to you in life, you control …
We all make our own path on this journey through life via the very choices we make at any point in time, whether those choices are good or bad is easier in hindsight than knowing at any specific moment. Learning and wisdom gained from past mistakes hopefully will prevent us making the same mistakes again, or …
It’s so evil to use the past against someone. ~ Rolph Mars Emotions must be kept within to make one self strong & not to make some very special one feel weaker. ~ Paras Arora Some people tend to use others past mistakes just to make them feel bad and worthless. But what should be known is that …