Category: Mistake
The only thing required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. So many times, people wanting to sound so positive are actually just postponing the inevitable and the tragedy of the outcome is coming at them like a freight train. It is better to have courage and take a firm stand …
Let them talk behind your back. they are behind you for a reason. People who talks behind your back are full of insecurities that they can’t withstand what’s with you that they don’t have, although in a way you become popular by their talk. Anyway it’s their problem not yours. Just be yourself! ~ Ciel Garfield People …
Let it hurt and let it go. Move on, be happy! Selfishness is the greatest curse to relationships. Relationship will grow and last if there is trust and respect. You must add lack of communication to this. Always talk to each other about everything. ~ Joanne Pierce Lack of self-esteem is also a relationship curse. It causes …
Forgiveness means letting go of the past. ~ Leo Tolstoy Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve Peace. Unforgiveness is the poison you drink every day hoping the other person will die. ~ Debbie Ford Something magical happens when we forgive others like healing, prosperity and a peace of God. Never forget …
You should love someone unconditional, never try to change them. Everybody makes mistakes. Just some people are more fake than others. I love my real friends who are honest. Honesty is sexy, the rest are transparent and I don’t associate with. Honesty is the best. No time for anything else. ~ Alicia Catherine
Sometimes the most important lessons in life can only be learnt through hard fall, but that’s how things sometimes must be. ~ Jocelyn Galang You will keep creating and attracting the same situations and experiences in your life that support the programs of your subconscious mind until you choose to make them conscious ( take full responsibility and …