Category: Mind
I see beauty in people. Their eyes colors, their hair, their languages, their voices. Most importantly their kindness and compassion. Every person I meet I always find something beautiful in each. ~ Esmeralda Daniella
Everyone matters whether they hate us or not.
Life has its ups and downs, so even bad days come to an end eventually! Time heals! It’s a matter of time choosing the amount of time needed though, not us. We want it all NOW. No one wants to feel the pain. No one wants to face the harsh or painful reality which is causing …
DON’T FORGET TO SMILE, HUG, AND PRAY IN LIFE! The peace which can only come from God alone.
If we could all have open minds, it would solve a lot of the worlds problems!
It’s important to be comfortable in your own company, as much as you would be comfortable socially. It’s important to disconnect and connect with one’s self every once in a while. Most people end up in horrible relationships be it marriage, friendships etc. Just out of compromise on most important factors, such as ethics, character and …