Look after your friends

Look after your friends

You have to be a friend to have a friend!
We only see the surface. It’s easy to wear a fake smile and pretend your life is a bowl of cherries! ~ Anne Laylee 
We never know what the people around us hold in their hearts and minds. Be loving and caring! ~ Diane Sickles 
Pay close attention to your friends they may be needing you!
If you’re a true friend you’ll look after your friends and never turn your back, whatever the situation. Lots of people take their own lives because they had no one but only people who judged them. You never know the depth of what someone is going through. Sometimes the people who are the hardest to love need it the most. Prayers for the people who need love, care, and a true friend. Imagine if you had no one who cared we all go through something! ~ Shelley Davis 

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