Like to be left alone sometimes

Like to be left alone sometimes

Nothing wrong with being alone; some “me” and inner peace, recharge energy, some breathing space for mind, body and soul. ~ Rita DeBono 

We all need alone time, not to be mistaken as lonely. There is a huge difference! ~ Gloria Easley 

Nothing wrong with liking your’e own Company and innermost thoughts!

The ability to be alone and reflect is very healthy. Some people struggle to be alone and sit with oneself!!

I just like to be alone in the whole world full of people. ~ Sam Borrichaan 

You can feel the loneliest in a large crowd. It is healthy to be able to be alone and not “need” someone or “need” to be with people all the time. It’s called maturity and has nothing to do with being lonely. It is all to do with attitude. ~ Gai Helm 

Sometimes we need space. A space completely our own and people should respect this. We all need such space to recreate, recharge, put our thoughts together, to find and reconnect with our inner core and with God. ~ Belen Hidalgo 

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