Category: Life
It’s about being aware of what is necessary or not to you. Some people need to to have drama in their lives to feel wanted. Others don’t react to other people’s ideas of what they should or shouldn’t do. The thing to look out for is whether you gather more of the same kind of people …
To feel alone in a relationship is the worst feeling. Better to be alone than to be with bad company. Only one thing is worse than living with someone who makes you feel alone is continue to keep living with someone who makes you feel alone. Emptiness is the most difficult when you have spent your life …
Happiness is a daily art learning to appreciate and be grateful for the small things. By making the most out of life every day you can alter where you are in life, even if it is only a perception. ~ Annie Berber We are each the author of our own happiness. It is really a state of …
The only regrets are the chances we didn’t take. Allow yourself to move on with your life. It has so much good to offer you. It is more than worth it. You are worth it. Do not allow others cruelty to defeat you. You are not what those people think. You are you, and you know …
Always remember that like electricity, without both the positive and the negative, the current of life cannot flow. ~ Mike Stevens There is no such thing as no way out! You should be in control of your own life. You do not have to tolerate anybody or anything that brings you any form of negativity. Believe in …
Especially the people you’re kind to and they just end up making you hurt. ~ Alex Leathers People come in and go out of your life for a reason, key is to learn from all of your past experiences and people who came in and now are gone, as well as those who have stayed. ~ Dan Schwartz …