Category: Life

The Secret of being Happy

Happiness is a daily art learning to appreciate and be grateful for the small things. By making the most out of life every day you can alter where you are in life, even if it is only a perception. ~ Annie Berber  We are each the author of our own happiness. It is really a state of …

So you have an opinion about my Life

Live a simple life and don’t care what any one think about it. Be kind, share peace and love. Sticking your nose on someone else’s business means you’ve nothing better to do with your life. People have all kinds of opinions and some of them never pay any bills, even their own. They can’t manage their …

To make a difference in someone’s Life

Only the caring people make a real difference in our lives. They are the ones who stand by us and help us in life’s difficult path and of course we must understand that we have to give and take, can’t expect people to be caring if we aren’t. One day they will turn away. ~ Angela …