Category: Life

Why some people come into your life?

Moving on doesn’t mean forgetting, it means you choose happiness over hurt. Don’t make someone your priority when you’re only an option, and don’t make them your everything, or you’ll end up with nothing. Letting go is what we need to do. Past is the past, future is positively bright! The truth is, unless you let go, …

The less you respond to negative people

Let the negative folks enjoy their Negative world. No need to join them. Life’s too short to go there. ~ Tammy Cintolo  Negative is like a black hole that wants to suck you right in. However, the more we focus on the positive, the love and the joy we really are, the more we can find the …

No matter how good or bad your life is

His blessings and loving kindness always flow into our lives daily. Never stop! I’m very thankful to our God that I still wake up every time I asleep. ~ Unknown I appreciated to having a job, roof and love from God. That’s providing hope in anyways. ~ Lisa Chien  We all get bogged down with life, but …