Category: Life
Met him 33 years ago! Been married for 31 happy years! ~ Wendy Mellett When that happens it is so spontaneous and it is as if you have re-met your friend from a previous life. ~ Nancy Briand When people remain themselves without pretending to be what they are, they find it easier to communicate and socialize with …
The lesson is: Try not to repeat the same mistakes that ended your marriage so that your next marriage won’t end. I learned to forgive myself and others, with our unaware robotic repeated behavior and now I’m in a more loving, consciously awake and aware relationship with myself and I attract others similar. (like attracts like) …
It is always better to have the few good friends than be with the one’s of which you can’t trust. You can count your true friends on one hand. Discernment will let you know along the way who is a true friend or not. Pay attention! Real friends rarely come by. They are like uncut diamonds. …
What people think of you may not be important, but what you think of yourself is very important. Sooner or later the right man will find the real beauty in you. Keep the faith! God is good all the time. The most beautiful scenario in life is peace of mind and healthy living. People will talk …
All I do is run, help anyone regardless of what they have done, sweat, bleed, cry. I left that life now I have been reliving it with someone who clearly don’t care. What don’t kill you only makes you stronger. ~ Unknown People who make you feel unworthy or bad about yourself should have no place …
Sometimes people find someone who really cares and helps and loves but they want to be better with some people around, who takes advantage of them or hurt them but they don’t realize that they can lose everything. Sometimes you have to believe and trust. The destiny will always show you the right way. ~ Markus Dworowy …