Category: Life

People who say behind your back

Let them talk behind your back. they are behind you for a reason. People who talks behind your back are full of insecurities that they can’t withstand what’s with you that they don’t have, although in a way you become popular by their talk. Anyway it’s their problem not yours. Just be yourself! ~ Ciel Garfield  People …

It’s not about people who act true to your face

Every smiling face is not your friend. Just be happy with what you do and have the confidence to stay true to yourself. Screw the others. They don’t matter. When you see those “friends” talking about other friends behind their backs, know they’re talking about you behind yours. ~ Denise Miller  Interesting how people will say one …

When the wrong people leave your life

When you start doing the right thing, wrong people start to leave you. Don’t be sad by another one that treat you badly, let it go and enjoy your life. The wrong people leave your life but the rest is up to you. You have to make the difference and not attract nasty things happening by …

Never Blame anyone in your life

Outlaws survive, the weak die, the strong fight on and the average fall behind. ~ Derrick Leong  Appreciate all of them as they come into your life for a reason! You shouldn’t blame people because you should think that the events happening in your live are coming from the God and these are examinations for you to …