Category: Life
God is good! I truly deserve nothing but He has given me so much. ~ Marie Pitts God is God. He alone knows how he wants things to turn out, God our father knows us so well, just like a parent knows what their kids are about. We need to call home and talk to Pop, …
Life is shorter than you think. Live life to the fullest! People miss opportunities because they care more about their career (money) than they do the people around them. ~ Matthew Ditolla
It’s an unfortunate way to have to learn who really cares, because that can be more painful than the storm itself. Know one is exempt from life’s storms, people need to think about what they needed/wanted from someone that cares when they were going through one of life’s storms. ~ Julie Wellisley You know who your …
Nothing justifies deliberately hurting someone else, even the hurts you have experienced from them or anyone else. ~ Trevor Martin Sit back and relax, enjoy the ride, time will take care of everything. It’s called KARMA! If you hurt people because people hurt you then you are just as bad as them. Becoming bigger than that …
Forgive people not because they deserve forgiveness but because you deserve peace. Hanging on to the anger is like taking poison and thinking it is going to affect the other person. It eats away at you without them even recognizing it. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to let them know you’re forgiving them. …
The people and things that make you feel like you’ve died inside, but we all lose something we wish we didn’t. Keep the good memories and remember that people that have passed do not feel the pain that we can feel in the flesh. It’s a good feeling to know they’re free, but you can use …