Category: Life

The only way to get through life

Keep laughing, it makes us look good! To laugh is the best kind of medicine. I love to see people laugh. I myself. ~ Debbie Cappuccio   Choose to find the happy. Simple things usually are the best to find that in. Let go of all else that steals the happy in our lives. ~ Lynn Scheeneman 

Letting go of toxic thoughts

Positive and negative thought are just our way of thinking. If your mind, heart and soul like something, you must go for that. That is the true positive mental attitude in life and must see your own smiling face in mirror once in a day for few minutes daily.  There so many good things to happen …

Having someone who loves you no matter what

God has truly blessed me with the most wonderful and loving husband I could ever wish for! ~ Kathleen Barker    I’m so grateful and blessed to have you in my life. Thanks for being there for me through the good times and the bad. You always know how to make me smile. Thanks for loving me …

Where you are in life is temporary

Be a firm wayfarer, acting with clear & consistent bent of mind till you achieve cherished goal. ~ R N Gupta   Always have the choice to decide. You always have the answer in you. Sometimes it takes longer to figure out your path/direction, know what’s best for you, trust your instincts & have faith in the answers …

Live a simple life without stress or worry

We are all going to go through worry and stress in our lives, can’t do much about that but happiness can be found when you follow your dreams and passions and make a difference. ~ Becky Samples    Life is all about struggle and perseverance – that’s how we can enjoy happiness. Besides, I’m pursuing contentment since …

Worrying about what people say behind your back

You can’t stop people from talking about you but I always keep a positive attitude because my inner peace is so vital to me. ~ Mary Maggie    You can’t give them the power to make you unhappy and actually it makes me feel important that people will take their time to talk about me! ~ Susan Marte  …