Category: Life

Never forget 3 types of people in your life

I’ll never forget difficult times, my wife’s always there to help me on those difficult times, she is the one I will never forget. We have our ups and downs but we still manage to stand up for each other. We always help each other all the time and I’m grateful for that. ~ Ramon Ayala   

Your decisions affect your life

Your thoughts affect your life. Attitude is more important than we think. Every morning gets my day going in the right direction and of course a prayer. Just 15 minutes helps! ~ Lillian Demo  One has to be a little crazy to ignore negative emotions thoughts and decisions. To keep a positive life moving toward continually achieving …

Life’s too short to wonder what could have been

Sometimes there is no perfect time, life is too short, so never let yourself wonder what could have been, be sure in heart and mind and just do it! ~ Vanessa Lucewicz  Always make your heart happy. Tomorrow is never promised! If you have a dream a goal go for it because you have to try or …

Always live a stress free life

You are in a dream if you think life can be worry or stress free. Happiness comes from coping with life, not avoiding it. ~ Joy Turner  Happiness comes from within yourself. You choose to be happy, you are in charge. Not the stress and worry. Positive thoughts give positive results. ~ Maureen Gaites  Happiness is all that …

Look at every area of your life

Look at every area of your life… A reminder to stop, take a step back, and being honest with yourself! I love my life and myself and everything around me. I let things go to find peace within myself and life and pray each day. ~ Kathy Kumm If you desire further simple wisdom to help …