Category: Life
There is no time for regrets in life! Wasted time is wasted time! We only need to do something once in life to have had a wonderful experience. ~ Debbie Baker
Sometimes there is no perfect time, life is too short, so never let yourself wonder what could have been, be sure in heart and mind and just do it! ~ Vanessa Lucewicz Always make your heart happy. Tomorrow is never promised! If you have a dream a goal go for it because you have to try or …
You are in a dream if you think life can be worry or stress free. Happiness comes from coping with life, not avoiding it. ~ Joy Turner Happiness comes from within yourself. You choose to be happy, you are in charge. Not the stress and worry. Positive thoughts give positive results. ~ Maureen Gaites Happiness is all that …
Look at every area of your life… A reminder to stop, take a step back, and being honest with yourself! I love my life and myself and everything around me. I let things go to find peace within myself and life and pray each day. ~ Kathy Kumm If you desire further simple wisdom to help …
Stop dwelling on the bad things in life… Be happy with what you have. There are so many nice people around us. You should only think of positive things and therefore you will live a positive life. It will have such an impact on your life and make you so much happier. Live for positive not …
I am trying to love myself, with all my faults, but if so called ‘friends’ cannot see the good in me as well as any faults, is their love worth pursuing? Bullying comes in many guises and can hurt to the core. Emotional bullying hurts just as much as physical abuse. ~ Susan Bretherick It all …