Category: Life

Enjoy life now! This is not a rehearsal

There are no rehearsals, only lessons learned. So while we can, let us live life to the fullest and harbour, no hate nor regret. This is the only one you get and if you choose to spend it unhappy and angry that is your choice just don’t inflict it on me. I choose to live a …

How your life becomes more peaceful?

I walked away from all the negative people in my family. It was so, so hard but my life changed for the better. Now I finally live in peace & surrounded by so much love! ~ Denise Trevilyan  Walked away from negativity & kill negative people with kindness & love. My life is so much peaceful. ~ Patty …

The 3 C’s of life

When you are not happy in your life at this point of time, ask yourself this question:- What changes can I make in my life to make me happy? Is my current job makes me happy? Is my current relationship makes me happy? Is any other choices I have? Is any chances I can take? You …