Category: Life

How your life becomes more peaceful?

I walked away from all the negative people in my family. It was so, so hard but my life changed for the better. Now I finally live in peace & surrounded by so much love! ~ Denise Trevilyan  Walked away from negativity & kill negative people with kindness & love. My life is so much peaceful. ~ Patty …

The 3 C’s of life

When you are not happy in your life at this point of time, ask yourself this question:- What changes can I make in my life to make me happy? Is my current job makes me happy? Is my current relationship makes me happy? Is any other choices I have? Is any chances I can take? You …

The bad times in our life

Something good can come from something bad if you just look for it. If it had not been for hurricane katrina I would have not met my husband. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Always look for the good. ~ Norma Wiese  God has it all planned out, the storms are a …

One of the favorite things in life

Accepting of others views and opinions is very peaceful, inviting and trusting.  A conversation with close minded or one track minded person leads nowhere. It is like you are within a circle no way out and no way in. A lot of wasted time and energy. I would like to believe that when people talk to …