Category: Life
Talk to Yourself At least Once A Day. Otherwise You May Miss A Meeting with an EXCELLENT Person. ~ Jankesh K Parnami When you get what you want in your struggle for wealth and the world makes you king for a day. Then go to the mirror and look at yourself and see what that person …
I have committed countless mistakes due to poor or lapse in judgment. But I think everybody does. However, in my mistake, I always try to find the lesson that it teaches and share it with other people for them to learn from it. ~ Isagani Casimiro Good times and bad experiences make up the fabric of …
When we feel like escaping from our lives, the stress, the overwhelming day to day stuff, or the “what’s missing” and you feel “I need a vacation” to search out or let out. Some people feel like that all the time. Some people just might relate to that. Fill your life with things that you love …
I find this metaphor a ‘perfect’ analogy of life’s experience. Without the ‘black’, the trials, challenges, and heartaches, how can we have life lessons of maturity in life. Those are what helps us define our character and thus become resilient. ~ Minessa Balgos Its the happiness that gives meaning to the sadness and its the sadness that …
A persons will is like a soldier must be brave in all circumstances & must be adaptable in any place. ~ Bing Macalaguim Life is like a treasure box full of surprises for our daily lives. It doesn’t mean it’s bad, it just to understand & move on. ~ Janie Hilburn
Your happiness comes first and should matter the most ! Live your life the very best you know how ! An environment of negativity stifles personal growth as you adjust to another’s inability to have vision or purpose or simple acts of kindness displayed. ~ Karen Street