Category: Life

Some people will never fit into your life

You have to determine your definition of ‘fit’. People come into your life in three categories. Reason people, Season people & Lifetime people. ~ Angela Kemp No matter what they did that did not fit. God had a reason for them coming into your life. Guess pain can help one grow. ~ Sandra Mortweet People can change. There …

If you ever fallen down

Life is definitely beautiful and life can also be a struggle at times. But, I’m not sure I’d call it a beautiful struggle cause when your in the middle of the tornado, it’s not always fun. ~ Jacquie Breen  The beauty in the struggle is conquering & being triumphant over the battle that faces you. Victory is key. ~ Sherrita …

You’re better than they think you are

Not to get involved in drama and by doing that you’re proving you are better than they thought you were. This quote is not telling you to go and prove yourself in “general” or prove yourself all the time. Its linked the the drama part; as you don’t partake in drama (their crap) you are proving …