Category: Life
Time to release all negativity and let the positive and love in. Be at peace with yourself and others, forgive yourself and others, release all negativity thoughts, pains and harm you did to others, feel the love, find the peace and be positive everyday! god bless you’s everyday! Do as you would done by its the …
We need to accept all that happens has a purpose in our lives, good and bad. Anything that happens in our lives is always for a purpose. If you take it positively, you’ll benefit from it, but if you take the vice versa, it’ll break you. No matter what happens to you in life, you control …
“Believing is living.” We are not sure of ourselves, so we have to believe in our self. How can we be sure of others. There also we have to believe. So life is not possible without “believing”. ~ Arvind Bhaink Try to smile just the moment you open your eyes in the morning and say good …
Everyday is a new page, our story is only as good as we make it out to be. Just like a good book, you can’t wait to see what’s on the next page. ~ Cheryl Ozechowski We always have the chance to change the script, and it is magical when we never stop believing in change, …
Putting your phone away and driving your vehicle? There’s an app for that, it’s called RESPONSIBILITY. Get off the phone texting and spend time with your loved ones. The fancy phones came out and people got even ruder. Young one’s don’t even know how to talk to you today or carry on a conversation. I hate …
You just have to lift your head and carry on, never give up. Don’t let let anyone take your peace and happiness. We each do make an impact. What kind we make is determined by our choices. Big or small, good, bad or indifferent, we have all made an impact one way or another. Some people …