Category: Life
Human selfish tendency, blame something or someone is easier than admitting that is a product of consequences from choices made. Do not make excuses or rationalize just forgive and let go, easy to say but hard to do I admit. ~ Norma Powell I’m so grateful that I learned long ago to take responsibility for my …
A promise is a promise. If you know you can’t keep it, don’t make it. ~ Susan Krasch Give it time and people will hurt you eventually. It is just how life goes, no one is perfect. ~ Kristin Jewel This is to give people an opportunity to open up and express their feelings. Some people …
When life throws painful stuff our way, we grow from it and get stronger. The pain is still there but we learn to manage it. It also gives us an insight into how others feel so we can empathise with them and give support. ~ Angela Cox We can get over anything in this life. In …
There is no excuses in love. Anyone that wants to stay in our life accept us for all the good and bad and learn to work with us, help us as we do for the one’s we love and want in our lives forever. ~ Marge Washington If they don’t, they’ll find every excuse. Their loss.
A good friend is never lost. When they are not, no longer with you, they still continue to watch out for you. They always got your back no matter where you and they are. A good friend will be with you always. ~ Marie Stienessen Like precious jewels, they stick to you through good and bad …
Live life to the fullest. I am so blessed. I have travelled, I fell in love, and I am happy. ~ Unknown