Category: Life

When you distance yourself from all the negative things

A good reason to give up bad habits. Negativity gets you nowhere. Always think positive. You must surround yourself those that you love with positive. Put a positive frame around so called negative things and you will see the magic in the moment. ~ Neil Sperling  Just think about positive things so that there won’t be any space …

Find goodness and beauty in every little thing

Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.  Live in the moment because it’s truly the only thing promised and you never know when the next moment won’t come.  Appreciate life in it’s own very simple way. Don’t go too much about your plans in the future. Planning is good, but what is important is appreciation. ~ Fely Pajarito  The …

Sometimes life seems unfair

It rains hardest on those who know how to create their own sunshine. ~ Joe Jenkins  The sun always comes back out eventually the rain will pass and we get a chance to shine. ~ Massiv Congo  We all have rain in our lives. The secret is to always remember you deserve that beautiful sunshine. Keep that positive …