Category: Life

If your not surrounded by negative people

What drains one is negative, what uplifts one is positive. When negativity is negated, it ceases to exist. ~ Anna Gomez  Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative. ~ Dave Miller  Bad things happen to you when you take care of the feelings of others and forget your self. ~ Close Aniba  Stay away from those negative people. No time …

No matter what challenges come on your way

Every day brings new gratitude. No matter what I’m through and that includes the peaks and valleys; the ups and downs,the smooth and rough rides of the roller coaster of life I am very thankful that I have an interesting ride of my journey to whatever destination I end up. ~ Norma Powell  You can know for …

In the end, people will judge you anyway

You have to live with the person in the mirror. Live your life impressing the Lord our God. What other people think of me is none of my business. ~ Mark Twain  When people talk behind your back, you are way ahead of them. Do what in your heart you feel to be right, for you will …