Category: Life

It’s always people actions you should judge them by

Words do matter, but it’s whether or not the actions back up the words that matters more. ~ Jen Bird  Both words and actions do matter, and I can recall plenty of time I heard the words, and believed the noble intentions of the speaker, only to discover later the intentions were contrary to the words. ~ Diane …

Cutting people out of your Life

Sometimes necessary to remove the negative of life and make room for the things that you love or Love it self. So don’t feel sad, your not a bad person. You just give all, so the other one space to grow. ~ Jaana Rehnman  Some people take your energy and put you in a negative place. Sometimes …

For those who believe in Karma

Karma does not take sides it comes full circle and eventually goes right back where it started and takes care of what it has to. Karma is the effect of causes you set in motion in the past, whether 10 minutes ago or 10 lifetimes ago. You reap what you sow, and for every action, there …

Be Happy with the little you have

Don’t think about people having more than you, this way you will never be happy as there is always someone with more than you. Think of those who have less than you and be thankful for what you have.  I have a book bag of clothes, healthy baby in my womb. Healthy daughter who’s with my …

Why people come into your Life?

Just as we learn from our lessons in life. We also learn from the people in our lives we meet along the way, weather that be a good or bad thing. ~ Kelly Bayley  We learn and give to people we meet. Most don’t stay in our life forever. Best friends are forever. Treasured friends keep coming …