Category: Life
Don’t wait to be what you can be now. Everything has a time. But, what is the perfect time to begin ? The perfect time to begin is, when you feel the inspiration. ~ Jitu Das Working hard for the best things are not always about material things. Parents work hard to raise their children. A student works hard …
Sometimes you can be more alone in a relationship, than being single. First line is suitable before marriage. Second line is suitable after marriage. lol ~ Rajalakshmi Radhakrishnan Life can be so painful that being alone is a an added discomfort, and yet being alone can foster growth and healing. The danger is when we remain in …
Sometimes it is family that most take advantage of their ability to cause and manipulate negativity. If they repeatedly hurt you and kick you when you are down, you must let them go and build yourself a family of people who support you, raise you up, and bring love, light, and balance to your life. ~ Sharon …
I felt like my heart was being taken away. This person tried to brainwash me into thinking that I was the worst person on earth. My heart; I know it’s good. Being away from the individual was the best thing that could have happened, despite the fact that the breakup occurred under traumatic circumstances. I am …
Don’t forget to thank them for the lessons. Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. We must count our blessings when people leave us in difficult times. God is there for the rescue. We are in spaces that are filled with strife but in truth it is the perfect time to call …
Some people are meant to be in your life to make sure you don’t act the way they do. Real trust is like when going to a restaurant: You place your order and just wait. Once is ready it will be served to you. You do not usually go to the kitchen and tell the cook …