Category: Life

No one is sent by accident to anyone

Nothing in our life happens by accident. Everything is part of our fate. No one should ask why things are as they are. This question will be answered at the right time. No one should ask why things are as they are. Everything in creation has it’s purpose. ~ Evelyn Estipona  Some people are sent to test …

One person who can change your life

I have decided that it’s my time to be happy and enjoy the rest of my life. I stay away from anyone that will or has caused me drama. I am happier than I have been in many years. ~ Jamie Asbury  No one can change your life. It’s depended on you, yourself!  Searching someone for a …

Lessons Learned in Life

As we go through life, we never stop learning. Life is one big learning process. You learn from a lot of mistakes in life. You just have to move on to be happy! The biggest lessons I learned about myself and life were through love and I am so grateful for it regardless that the love …

Smile is a symbol of Hope and Strength

Smiling makes you feel a lot better no matter what is going on with your life. I must have plenty of hope and strength because I try to smile through the hardest situations life brings. It makes it possible to breath through them. God is so good even in the hard times. There is always something …