Category: Let go
The trouble is people are often so cut up that when one door closes they miss the new door that’s open in front of them, but the new door always offers something better. Where would you be if you hadn’t changed, evolved, grown, loved, outgrown, discovered It’s called life. Just think of all the old to …
Life is definitely beautiful and life can also be a struggle at times. But, I’m not sure I’d call it a beautiful struggle cause when your in the middle of the tornado, it’s not always fun. ~ Jacquie Breen The beauty in the struggle is conquering & being triumphant over the battle that faces you. Victory is key. ~ Sherrita …
You can lose ANYTHING & EVERYTHING that is in the external world, that’s why your happiness must come from within & not from anything that is temporary, everything in this world comes & goes. Your happiness must come from the immovable, unconditional love you feel within yourself FOR yourself. Certainly you will still feel emotions over …
Always surround yourself with positive people. Sometimes it is hard to turn loose of some friends, but yet in your heart and best interest you know it is the right thing to do. Strive to maintain the “I CAN, I CARE , ATTITUDE AND BE “THE BEST OF THE BEST”. ~ Steve Lori Let go of all …
Let go, Let God, Relax, breath, give yourself a chance to heal. You have weeks to deal with this and if you screw up the recovery the rest of your life will be effected. ~ Max Cooperford
Make peace with yourself first, then the rest will follow! Sometimes it feels as though all you can do is have faith. ~ Rachel Robinson