Category: Let go
The only person who can tell you to give up is yourself. Other people are not responsible for that they going to say what they are going to say. ~ Irena Duringer Never give up when you know you are in the right track. Never mind the others, it’s them not you so go on. I never ever …
The Ethiopians have a beautiful word “EFOOY” ! It signifies a mental and/or physical relief or the feeling of burden release. In life there are somethings we do carry without sharing them with anyone. It could be debt, guilt, secret, shame or any other thing crushing you the release of which give you peace and new …
Things happen for a reason. Only time will tell why things happen the way it did. I am in peace with myself because I know I tried and gave my 200%. Some things you will never get the answers too and it will drive you crazy if you let it. Although it may still pop into …
Don’t look back. You are not going there. Keep moving on and you will be where you want to be. Create a life that you love. Do this for yourself! It’s not easy but it’s always possible if you start with baby steps. Look back and see what made you happy and start doing things that …
Letting go brings new opportunities in life. A new start with full of hope and love! We need to regain our power, so that we can move on and pay more attention to our own feelings in order to have a happy, healthy rest of our life. Life is Beautiful! ~ Carmen Silva This takes time, one …
Thank you for what is, thank you for what was and thank you for what will be. We have to live our life now but will understand it in future. Accept whatever may happen, let go and move on with my life and have to think of. The Best is yet to come! Sometimes we get …