Category: Let go
Sometimes people slam the door behind them because they only got a glimpse into the front room, not wanting to see the whole place which comes with time, commitment & communication. Some people prefer this so they don’t have to commit and give of themselves completely due to fear or maybe thinking there is something possibly …
You can’t move forward with out taking a step forward. We fight the constant decision of whether to let go or hold on. The back & forth only beats you up inside. ~ Shauna Coleman In order for things to progress in the right direction there has to be change. What doesn’t kill you make …
I love walking away from toxic, harmful people. ~ Nadia Nisho I have finally started to take stock of my own worth and stopped chasing after people. If a person cares about you, you will know it by their actions, just like you know they don’t care by their actions. ~ Carrie Hurd Walk away with …
The blessing at the end of every hard time, is getting through by God’s Grace. Sometimes you can be so focused & worried about old things, you don’t even notice how beautiful & bright the outcome of the new things is. ~ Fazlin Abrahams Holding onto the negative will cloud your view of the future. Live …
It’s a daily practice of learning to truly relax and some positive self talk never hurts. Learning to accept life for what it is. Look around at others, someone has worse things in life than you do. Find a peaceful way to live in the moment! ~ Teresa Brown This is the best gift you can …
The only person who can tell you to give up is yourself. Other people are not responsible for that they going to say what they are going to say. ~ Irena Duringer Never give up when you know you are in the right track. Never mind the others, it’s them not you so go on. I never ever …