Category: Lessson Learned
Karma is good with the good. Stay safe! Be good! Do good and good will follow you, what you sow you shall surely reap. Good Karma is the result of the purity and respect of our creations in the world. Bad karma results from creating disrespect in any form. ~ Mark Pavlich I’m a firm believer in this, …
Face the challenge versus running away from it, it will be a lot simpler to get it done the first time. ~ Tracy Teed Sometimes even if you pass the test, life repeat it again to make sure you didn’t cheat. Take a peek at what keeps repeating, and make the change now, so you won’t have …
If your living in the past, your depressed, if your full of anxiety, your trying to live in the future. ~ Steven Nichols It hurts but we move on from there. Shows maturity and growth. We are survivors and can share our knowledge with others. And isn’t that what it’s all about. Helping others. ~ Tammy …
As you get older you realise there is no point in investing in people who are mean. Sadly I know a few I’ve walked away from now and that’s exactly how I saw it, focusing on those that you love and who love you right back. ~ Cathy Craddock It’s so liberating to free yourself from …
Human selfish tendency, blame something or someone is easier than admitting that is a product of consequences from choices made. Do not make excuses or rationalize just forgive and let go, easy to say but hard to do I admit. ~ Norma Powell I’m so grateful that I learned long ago to take responsibility for my …
When life throws painful stuff our way, we grow from it and get stronger. The pain is still there but we learn to manage it. It also gives us an insight into how others feel so we can empathise with them and give support. ~ Angela Cox We can get over anything in this life. In …