Category: Lessson Learned
If you haven’t been there then you don’t have the right to judge. Don’t ever judge someone else’s situation, even if you’ve been there yourself. It won’t be the same. ~ Ann Bryant Some people make assumptions and opinions without knowing the situation. No one can ever know what a person has gone through unless they go …
Forgive and try to forget. An apology you never got, then it is time to walk away and stop being used as a doormat. ~ Janine Griffin Apologies make you feel better. We don’t always get them from the people that hurt us the most. ~ Nicole Davis Life goes on. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Live it. We …
It is the small things that make your life worth living. Don’t focus too much on a certain thing. You have to see the beauty around. Eat your dessert first life is short. Small priceless joy add up to good day, good day added to good time, good time make a good memory to look back and …
Only some people will take heed, others will continue making bad choices, then wonder why their life is not going their way. ~ Angie Peltier Failed relationships, bad parents & everything between, now I have my soul mate and two beautiful baby boys. Bad choice & all I would do it all again. ~ Nora Bridges
No matter how hard you try to communicate with someone, if their ears and hearts are closed for you, they will not understand anything. ~ Alcuizar Barredo The ones who won’t listen are the ones who never cared, instead of talking I’ll just write a message or look them straight in their eyes. ~ Jessyline Maquito The people …
The ones that are worth keeping around are your true friends. They are with you through thick and thin. No matter what it comes good and bad is all will work for your own good and along the way you will meet the best people in your life. ~ Rose Howard Some of the people will bring …