Category: Lessson Learned

It doesn’t matter what you look like

Someone once told me of a dream they had where God had asked them, “What is wrong with my colour scheme?” to which she replied ‘sorry I don’t know what you mean’ God said ‘ Well I made people black,white and brown and the sky blue the grass green the flowers red, purple e.t.c. He then …

Every Saint has a Past

Once you are truly saved your life will be new. Praise God, that doesn’t mean we will be perfect but we will know the difference in right or wrong and we will want to walk by his side and he will be first in our lives and he does promise us all life forever. He loves …

We all make mistakes

Sometimes the most important lessons in life can only be learnt through hard fall, but that’s how things sometimes must be. ~ Jocelyn Galang  You will keep creating and attracting the same situations and experiences in your life that support the programs of your subconscious mind until you choose to make them conscious ( take full responsibility and …