Category: Lessson Learned

A friend who secretly puts you down

Sometimes the closest friends are your worst enemies because they stab you in the back. I love my enemies they are the one who made me strong. ~ Jun Arai  Frenemies are worse than enemies. Very refreshing feeling once they’re out of your life though. Life is too short to hang around people that pretend to be …

Not everyone has the same heart as you

The success of a relationship is a function of the extent to which it meets the needs of the two people. ~ Dr Phil If a relationship or friendship is a one way street, (one person gives and the other takes) it will eventually turns into a dead end. Expectations are the root of all heartache. …

People who say behind your back

Let them talk behind your back. they are behind you for a reason. People who talks behind your back are full of insecurities that they can’t withstand what’s with you that they don’t have, although in a way you become popular by their talk. Anyway it’s their problem not yours. Just be yourself! ~ Ciel Garfield  People …

Never Blame anyone in your life

Outlaws survive, the weak die, the strong fight on and the average fall behind. ~ Derrick Leong  Appreciate all of them as they come into your life for a reason! You shouldn’t blame people because you should think that the events happening in your live are coming from the God and these are examinations for you to …