Category: Lessson Learned
Years ago, my Grandmother told me, “If you want to know who your true friends are, “Get sick or get into trouble”. ~ Jeannie Tucker Stars are invisible during the day but it’s only in the dark can one see the stars. ~ Juliet Sierra That’s where your true friends or loved ones are. People who truly care …
Some people really have a hard time expressing their feelings and words like “I love you”. They were never told they were loved all their childhood and they feel unloved themselves. They were told to keep their feelings to themselves. There are all kinds of people in the world. Some are so inept with their feelings. …
I have committed countless mistakes due to poor or lapse in judgment. But I think everybody does. However, in my mistake, I always try to find the lesson that it teaches and share it with other people for them to learn from it. ~ Isagani Casimiro Good times and bad experiences make up the fabric of …
Actually the wise take a knife and cut a sandwich in half and eat it while the two fools hang and stab each other in the back. ~ Jarame Torbjörn There so many kind of fools. You can see them from a mile. I never let them step on my own turf and do not listen to …
Verbal abuse hurts deeply. Always think before you say anything! On the flip side, a wounded soul that has been hit so hard, has nothing left but to curse to the sky hoping someone’s not going to make it worse. ~ Andrew Tucker Irrespective of whether or not we are in bad mood, we have to choose …
When the time comes you’ll be ready for it!