Category: Lessson Learned
If it’s about my life, no more replays in the past. I’ve learned my lessons well. That’s why I love myself more and I will not allow anybody to used and abused me again. Never again will it happen. ~ Evelyn Estipona My experience with life was the same thing happened (maybe with different people) but the …
As we go through life, we never stop learning. Life is one big learning process. You learn from a lot of mistakes in life. You just have to move on to be happy! The biggest lessons I learned about myself and life were through love and I am so grateful for it regardless that the love …
In my experience, people who truly care about you will show you through their actions, not their words. If all they have are words, then being on your own is really the best solution. Until you find people who truly care about you. ~ Emma Blunt Be yourself, be genuine, open, and kind. Love life as …
No life is perfect, but we can make things better and be more happier. Whatever we go through, is all part of our journey. It’s time for us to move on and forget the past . Let’s think of our future and enjoy the rest of our life. ~ Joy Armilla
Pray for the negative people in your life to become positive. Prayer works if you have faith and believe! ~ Mitch Negrini People who MORE OFTEN THAN NOT get temporary satisfaction from complaining are (generally) negative. I have known a handful of truly negative people. One was a neighbor and co-worker. No exaggeration, EVERY morning she came …
Like entails being fond of someone and enjoying their company or conversing with them. Love entails having strong feelings for someone with all the symptoms of like but an added factor where it is impossible to imagine your life without it. Love can be subjected to family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, passion, hobby, profession etc. When you say ‘I like …