Category: Kindness
Even just a smile can do it! Today is a new day. Yesterday is done. We cannot do tomorrow today. (That’s a good idea). One day at a time. One hour at a time. One minute at a time. It is well with my soul. Remind yourself of that frequently. ~ Deborah Linstead One nasty word can …
Being nice is a reflection of myself and not dependent on the recipient. Respecting someone does not mean you like them. It’s just that you accept the fact that they are imperfect beings, like everyone else. Being human, of course, I do sometimes get my feathers ruffled, but I strive to treat everyone with respect, whether …
Leave footprints of love & kindness wherever you go… At the end of the day, you will not remember the person with the most beautiful face but you will remember the person with the most beautiful heart and soul. You won’t always remember what someone else did, but you will never forget how they made you …
Never stop doing little things for others… Beauty is only skin deep but a giving heart is a lasting memory. We have to take the time to help someone every day. Even the littlest jester will be remembered. Doing for others gave me so much pleasure seeing them happy. ~ Sil Thomas I had the experience of …
If you are kind to people and grateful for what you have, nothing can go wrong. If we can see God will always ask of us to do something that we don’t want to even to go back to someone that hurt you so badly to humble yourself and make right with that person because …