Category: Kindness

Always help someone

Helping someone else will help you make a better person. Help someone for no reasons at all and do not expect anything in return. I helped an older couple yesterday after they had already asked 3 people for help & it made me feel real good. It’s very sad that some folks would not even help …

Being both soft & strong

It’s not a weakness, it’s a strength to be soft & kind person. Think of a piece of willow it bends with life yet is resilient, a rock unyielding breaks and crumbles, it is the course of man to be kind yet strong for me it is the a basic requirement of life. ~ Kiel Walter 

The wisest of people in this world

Everyone makes mistakes! The people who can admit it are exceptional. Some simply can’t admit their mistakes because of their ego. Cowards are always pointing fingers. There will always be those who will never admit they are wrong at times. It’s always someone else’s fault. You see, these people are perfect at everything. Amazing ain’t it? ~ Rick …