If you love someone, tell them

If you love someone tell them

The most painful way why someone’s heart always get broken.

If you love some one show it, let her/him know it, you might regret it s0me day if you remain silent. ~ Charlene Dichoso 

If they didn’t care, I think it’s better to walk away. Although it hurts so much but we can’t force someone to love us. ~ Nadia Serry 

If you wish to avoid disappointment, then you must learn to have no expectations. Expectations are directly responsible for disappointment. Love because you love, not because you expect them to love you back, because that is no longer love, but a tacit trade. You can hope, you can pray, you can wish, but don’t expect ever. ~ David Sirmons 

Too many times this happens and we live the rest of our lives with a huge hole in it. ~ Ruth Hupp 

True love knows how to accept everything no matter what. We only have one life but God gives us chances, so we should always be true to ourself. ~ Ella Garzon 

I told her,and if I die now I’ll go happy knowing she knows how I feel about her, even if she doesn’t feel the same. Love doesn’t have to be returned but it is much better that way. ~ Michael MacDonald 

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