I like being alone too much

I like being alone too much

I’m happy when I’m alone. People drive me crazy. I have plenty of friends but still prefer my alone time. My boyfriend told me years ago that I was too independent for my own good. I took that as a compliment. I’ts all good. You only find out who you really are when you’re alone. ~ Jenny Garrison 

Alone doesn’t mean lonely. Alone keeps the drama out of your life. Sometimes those who don’t socialize much aren’t actually anti social they just have no tolerance for drama n fake people.

I don’t see anything wrong with it. I don’t want marriage and don’t want kids. I like just being with myself. ~ Sidney Penner 

Some people think that being alone is a bad thing, I personally think that being alone it’s a time to grow and to be in contact with myself, my emotions and my feelings, being alone it’s a time to re-discover myself in a time of unlimited possibilities, it’s a time to pamper myself and to love myself before being ready to love someone else. I love being alone for now. ~ Gabriela Hong 

A person who is comfortable being with themselves is strong & independent. This does not mean that you do not need anyone else in your life. It means you are comfortable with who you are & enjoy spending quality time with yourself. I love “me” time. ~ Dee Cooper 

I enjoy being by myself now after living a hardworking stressful life of raising children on my own. There is a serenity of peace within knowing you made it through and now it’s my turn to take care of me and enjoy my own serenity of a different family life, and look for the love and companionship of friends that have been part of my life forever and maybe some new. ~ Sandy Milligan 

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