Category: Hurt
Tears cleanse the soul and strengthen the heart. Tears give you the relief, needed to carry on. Crying cleanse the soul; imagine your soul as your wind shield, when your wind shield withstands the elements, it gets a film on it. What do you do when that happens? You wash it, so therefore tears cleanse your …
When you can look at the lesson you learned and smile, you are truly healed. ~ Alicia Criswell It takes time, and sometimes you will feel the pain, however when you are healed you can feel the pain without falling apart. ~ Eileen Gonzalez I have been tested, pushed and I am here stronger than ever.
Time to release all negativity and let the positive and love in. Be at peace with yourself and others, forgive yourself and others, release all negativity thoughts, pains and harm you did to others, feel the love, find the peace and be positive everyday! god bless you’s everyday! Do as you would done by its the …
We need to accept all that happens has a purpose in our lives, good and bad. Anything that happens in our lives is always for a purpose. If you take it positively, you’ll benefit from it, but if you take the vice versa, it’ll break you. No matter what happens to you in life, you control …
When you find that person don’t ever let them get away and if they do get away, go after them. True love never fades. Soul mates are forever. ~ Amanda Hope The tears could be from happiness, not because they hurt you. At the same time, it could be the tears that you hurt him or her …
It’s even worse when they hear, they understand but they don’t care. Only you can solve your problems. So better to hide it inside and fine some ways how things would be fine. ~ Bethzy Marisson “Sometimes” I personally feel you should never bottle your feelings inside. I mean never. However, take into full considering what …