Category: Hurt

Crying doesn’t indicate you are weak

Tears are said to be Pearls in Heaven. Crying is rain for the soul, it serves its purpose. Crying is healing. Crying shows that you are wonderful and feeling, both in happy and in sad times it’s a depth of emotion, telling the world something about you. Crying releases stress and negativity and refreshes our soul.

When you will know that Forgiveness has begun

Forgiveness sets you free. Forgive and forget then you can be happy. You move on and feel the need to pray for those that hurt you. Forgiveness is the key but because God gave us a memory we can’t forget and that is ok. Just forgive! ~ Michele Blais  Holding resentment can only hurt you. Forgetting is …

When things have been held together with lies

If you don’t lie, you don’t have to remember what you said. Just tell the truth. The more you lie the more you have to lie to get out of a lie. So always be honest. ~ Marcella Lucero  The biggest lies are the ones you tell yourself. Learn to take responsibility and not side step the …

Pain Changes People

Pain is a great spiritual teacher. ~ Eckhardt Tolle Pain makes us stronger if you utilize it properly. Some people it makes better, but some people it makes bitter. Physical & emotional. Emotional pain takes a toll on the body & physical pain on the emotions. Vicious circle. Pain changes you when you don’t understand the role …

The most painful tears

Only those who have experience it will truly understand this. Those are the tears that tell you, “I’m alive and I’m growing”. For through adversity we grow and become the person we are destined to be. ~ Joanna Britt  A broken heart, broken dreams, all the plans, all that we wanted to do, be, our plans, goals …