Category: Hurt

People change for two reasons

Being Hurt will bring one to learn much. When you are hurt to the extreme you learn more and become stronger. Pain is the catalyst of change and growth. Anger appropriately applied is also a factor. How we deal determines our healing. It is not negative to be angry. It’s negative to deny it out of …

There are two types of pains

Some people get hurt but don’t change and stay in that same cycle. Others actually change either for a better life or for worse. ~ Sharon Iribe  The pain I have hurts and changes me at the same time. It will get better with time and weather. ~ Laura Myers  At this moment the pain I feel hurts …

When something is hurting your heart & soul

  Keep going even if it’s slow at least you’re moving, you will get there somehow. The moment when you realize that letting go is the only option. The only thing left to do. The only right thing to do. Whatever was, was. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. Time will tell because in the …