Category: Hurt
We all need to be loved, and it is great to know how much he does love us,, he will never let us down. ~ Mary Willette To all people who are suffering to much pain, just live it to him. Trust and pray to him, then God will make away. ~ Joemar Norona Dear Lord, give me …
Sometimes it’s better to be hurt by the truth then to be lied to. ~ Yvette Damhuis Folks are in such a hurry now. They don’t seem to have the time to think before speaking or waiting for an answer. ~ Liz Carden When one is considering your day to day interaction with people. Not lashing out, not …
I have found out we all have scars, some more than others. Its the meaning we put in them and how we heal them that makes us. ~ Kret Hansen Having a huge scar on my neck due to thyroid cancer is a constant reminder of my strength and how each day is a blessing. The doctor …
HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF. YOU ARE YOUR OWN FOUNDATION! We don’t know how much we can cope with until we have no other choice. ~ Rachel Gallagher
This also goes for mothers, raise your daughter to be the best she can be, let her out do you and have a true chance in life. Even though you want to keep them forever. They are only for us for a little while. So we have to teach them a lot of stuff. Give them …
Sometimes we waste too much time to think about someone that doesn’t think about us for a second.