Category: Hurt
The only way you stop hurting is by forgiving those who hurt you which I did and I don’t hurt any more.
One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else. People will come and go but real one would always stay no matter what. We often get hurt by the people we love the most and so often we allow these people to fix us. Nobody …
No life is perfect, but we can make things better and be more happier. Whatever we go through, is all part of our journey. It’s time for us to move on and forget the past . Let’s think of our future and enjoy the rest of our life. ~ Joy Armilla
The most powerful and enriching lessons have come after heart breaks for me. ~ Maria White No one feel the pain you have suffered but you must walk with positive attitude because life a mysterious journey, so never give up. ~ Khalid Mallik Our deepest pains are a reminder of the depth of our love for anyone. If …
Little broken, but that’s what life’s for. Putting our pieces back together. Broken crowns still colour the same. God chooses the broken ones to glorify the beauty and majesty of His work through them. God can achieve so much more through those who are humble than those who say in their hearts, “There is no God” or …
When your body and mind are tired that’s when I cry. ~ Radjeni Rachna Even the strong have weak moments! Sometimes it’s hard to always be the strong one. Sometimes you just need to let all your feelings come to the surface.