Category: Hope
This is what I tell the young women that I know who are so anxious to be engaged and married. What is the rush? If that person is meant to be in your life, they will be, regardless if you have a ring and piece of paper. ~ Tami Morgan You could find love at the right …
Smiling makes you feel a lot better no matter what is going on with your life. I must have plenty of hope and strength because I try to smile through the hardest situations life brings. It makes it possible to breath through them. God is so good even in the hard times. There is always something …
I will always stand by you. You have taught me so much about courage, love, and hope. You are a light in the darkness. You are my hero! You are my best friend. You are my blessing! Thank you God for giving me wonderful friends. ~ Susan Jackson Thank You to all who stood by me …
Your present situation is the sum of all of your choices. We all must have faith in that. Without faith in yourself you are lost. ~ Joe Riggi Who you are? That’s the biggest question before you. For the answer see your face in mirror and wait for reply time will come when you will know who your …
Everyday is an uncertainty. To worry about it will not change it. The rough patches come but they eventually go too. Everyday is a new opportunity to start again and be brave enough to live it.
If you wait for your perfect day it will never come. Make your day perfect it is in your hand. Everyday is the best day because God still give me life and that what is not happened yet. I’m happy of waiting for it.