Category: Heart
Too many selfish, self centered people out there. They usually learn when it’s too late. ~ Shirley Gardner A loyal person will be loyal no matter what. Even if it’s in distance, even if it always has to be in distance. ~ Danita King They won’t push you away unless they themselves don’t care. In that case, quit …
Never try to break the heart of the person that you really love him. If you miss the right thing in this universe you are on the great path to the land of the ultimate bliss where flowers bloom for ever. ~ Tan Yen Pin I miss my husband. without him I am nothing. I feel like …
Holding onto anger is like drinking Poison and expecting the other person to die. Once you spew anger at someone, it’s too late to ever take it back. Don’t be shy to cry , but cry when you are alone to keep your dignity high. ~ Mohammed Kamal True anger is poison, it is a switch that …
I felt like my heart was being taken away. This person tried to brainwash me into thinking that I was the worst person on earth. My heart; I know it’s good. Being away from the individual was the best thing that could have happened, despite the fact that the breakup occurred under traumatic circumstances. I am …
The quote doesn’t mean you have to stay exactly the same, never growing nor changing, that would be boring and unnatural. It simply means, have respect, courtesy, patience in the early days, for a while you are on “best behaviour”, you don’t criticize, are co-operative, attentive. Continue with all these things, make your partner feel special …
People who do that are belittling themselves, not someone else. Never ever believe it is ok to belittle someone else to build yourself up. ~ Michelle Thomas Good people usually attract good people, and bad people usually attract bad ones. If this isn’t happening for you, you may be surrounded by the wrong people. Looks and money can …